
What is ctrl u
What is ctrl u

  1. #What is ctrl u how to#
  2. #What is ctrl u full#
  3. #What is ctrl u windows#

Switches to the fifth tab in a browser or another program with tab support. Switches to the fourth tab in a browser or another program with tab support. Switches to the third tab in a browser or another program with tab support. Switches to the second tab in a browser or another program with tab support. Switches to the first tab in a browser or another program with tab support. Pressing Ctrl and 0 (zero) at the same time restores the default zoom level. In computer games, Ctrl is often used to crouch or go into a prone position. Press the Ctrl key by itself does nothing in most programs.

#What is ctrl u full#

You can click any of the Ctrl shortcut links below to open a page with a full list of uses for each shortcut. Below is a list of many of the top keyboard shortcuts involving the Ctrl key. This key combination suggests pressing and holding down the Ctrl, Alt, and Del keys to open the Task Manager or reboot the computer. Ctrl keyboard shortcutsĬtrl is used in keyboard shortcuts, such as the three-finger salute, also known as Ctrl+ Alt+ Del.

#What is ctrl u windows#

However, when comparing functionality to Ctrl on a Windows keyboard, the command key is more similar. The Control keys are found in the same location as the Ctrl keys on an IBM computer.

#What is ctrl u how to#

  • How to write or abbreviate Ctrl or control.īelow is an overview of a computer keyboard with the Ctrl keys highlighted in blue.Ĭtrl is pronounced as " control." When writing about the key on a PC keyboard, such as in a keyboard shortcut, it's written as "Ctrl" but pronounced as "control." For example, you'd type "Ctrl+F" but say it as " control plus F." Apple control keyĪpple computer keyboards also have a Control key near the Option and Command keys, as shown in the picture.
  • Where is the Ctrl key on smartphones and tablets?.
  • Paste the spike: Press Ctrl + Shift + F3 to paste the spike at the insertion point in your document. If you want to add an item to the spike without cutting it from its original location, press Ctrl + F3 and immediate press Undo (Ctrl + Z). You can choose any number of items, add them to the spike, and then paste them elsewhere. The spike is sort of like the clipboard, but it can hold multiple items. To exit selection mode, press Esc.Ĭut text to the spike: Press Ctrl + F3 to cut the selected text and move it to the spike.

    what is ctrl u

    In this mode, every arrow movement or click of the mouse selects text, as if you were holding the Shift key down. Select from insertion point to end of the line: Press Shift + End to select everything from the insertion point forward to the end of the line.Įnter selection mode: Press F8 to enter selection mode. Select from insertion point back to start of the line: Press Shift + Home to select everything from the insertion point back to the start of the line. Select text one word at a time: Press Ctrl + Shift + Arrow to select words one at a time to the left or right. Select text one character at a time: Press Shift + Arrow to select text to the left or right, one character at a time. Select everything in the document: Press Ctrl + A to select the entire document. If you press Ctrl + K without selecting text first, you will need to specify the link text. Insert a page break: Press Ctrl + Enter to insert a page break at the insertion point.Īdd a hyperlink: Select text and then press Ctrl + K to open the Insert Hyperlink dialog box to turn that text into a link. Make the font bigger: Press Ctrl and the right bracket (]) to make the font larger one point at a time.Ĭhange text to uppercase: Press Ctrl + Shift + A to change the selected text to all uppercase.Ĭhange text to lowercase: Press Ctrl + Shift K to change the selected text to all lowercase. Make the font smaller: Press Ctrl and the left bracket ([) to make the font smaller one point at a time. Underline words only: Press Ctrl + Shift + W to underline the selected text but not underline the spaces between words.Ĭenter: Press Ctrl + E to center the line of text where the insertion point is located. Underline: Press Ctrl + U to underline the selected text. Italics: Press Ctrl + I to italics the selected text. Paste the contents of the clipboard: Press Ctrl + V to paste the contents of the clipboard at the insertion point.īold: Press Ctrl + B to bold the selected text. Cut the current selection: Make a selection and then press Ctrl + X to cut it out of the document and place it in the clipboard.Ĭopy the current selection: Make a selection and then press Ctrl + C to copy it to the clipboard.

    What is ctrl u